California Workplace Sexual Harassment Lawyers

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$2 Billion
in Personal Injury Results

$150 Million
in Employment Law Results
for First Responders


Strong advocacy for workers who suffer sexual harassment by their employers

Employees, contractors, and volunteers have the right to be free from sexual harassment at work in California. There are California and federal laws that protect workers when sexual harassment creates a hostile workplace environment, employers condition your work on sexual favors, or employers sexually abuse or sexually assault you. At McNicholas & McNicholas, LLP, we file sexual harassment claims on behalf of all workers, regardless of their sexual identity. Our accomplished California sexual employment lawyers demand compensation for all your financial damages, physical harm, and emotional suffering. We are ready to hold your employers accountable for their violation of your rights and your dignity.

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What types of first responders do you represent in California?

At McNicholas & McNicholas, we represent all types of first responders when employers sexually harass their workers. Our first responder clients include:

  • Law enforcement officers. We represent police officers, sheriff’s deputies, and all other types of law enforcement workers (such as drug enforcement officials, K9 dog handlers, bomb squad workers, and security personnel) when their city, county, or state law enforcement agency sexually harasses these workers who risk their lives every day fighting crime and protecting California when vehicle accidents and other emergencies occur.
  • Firefighters. Our attorneys represent firefighters who regularly protect California cities and communities from residential fires, commercial fires, and wildfires.
  • First responders. Our California employment lawyers also represent all other types of first responders, including EMTs, medevacs, paramedics, park rangers, and others who provide emergency medical care and other types of emergency services.

What is sexual harassment?

First responders need to be able to work with and trust everyone else in their employment. Employees who sexually harass their workers are denying the rights of their workers and failing their communities by preventing working relationships from being as strong as possible.

The California Fair Housing and Employment Act (CFHEA) states that sexual harassment is a form of discrimination that is based on “sex/ gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation.” Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other types of physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature.

According to the California Office of the Attorney General, sexual harassment violates both Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act.

People of any gender can file a California sexual harassment claim – even if the sexual harassment is not motivated by sexual desire. The claimant can be of the same gender or a different gender as the harasser, regardless of the claimant’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

Generally, employers can be held liable for sexual harassment if they commit the harassment themselves, a supervisor or manager commits the harassment, or anyone who works for the employer or who the employer has control over commits the harassment.

Employers in California must take specific steps to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace, educate their workers on their rights, and develop and implement specific written policies and procedures to prevent and respond to workplace sexual harassment.

What are the different types of sexual harassment claims in California?

At McNicholas & McNicholas, we file two types of sexual harassment claims:

Hostile workplace environment

Our California sexual harassment lawyers file complaints when employers (or the people in their control) engage in any type of sexually offensive conduct. Sexually offensive conduct includes any physical contact or verbal conduct that makes you feel threatened, prevents you from doing your work, or creates a hostile work environment – an environment where coming to work becomes unbearable.

Examples of sexually offensive conduct in the workplace (that creates a hostile workplace environment) include:

  • Any nonconsensual sexual contact;
  • Leering;
  • Sexually offensive jokes, conversations, and messages;
  • Displays of sexually graphic images, drawings, photos, and videos;
  • Sexual postings and comments on social media or any Internet website;
  • Making sexual comments about a person’s appearance;
  • Sending emails with inappropriate sexual content; and
  • Any other offensive sexual contact or conduct.

Generally, you do not have to be the focus of the sexual harassment to file a hostile workplace sexual harassment claim, provided you experience the harassment of others in your job duties.

Quid pro quo harassment

Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when anyone who can adversely affect your employment conditions your employment status on sexual favors or sexual advances. Adverse conditions include terminating your employment, suspending you, denying opportunities for advancement, reducing your pay, giving you undesirable work assignments, and other negative employment conditions.

What damages can first responders receive for sexual harassment claims in California?

Our California sexual harassment lawyers for first responders demand compensation and injunctive relief for all your damages, including the following:

  • Back pay and front pay;
  • Loss of seniority;
  • Loss of insurance, retirement, and other work benefits;
  • Emotional suffering;
  • Statutory damages;
  • Legal fees and court costs;
  • Punitive damages; and
  • Court orders that direct your employer to create, implement, and enforce sexual harassment policies and procedures

We may also seek an order directing your employer to reinstate you if you were fired.

How do you fight for first responders who have sexual harassment claims in California?

Our California sexual harassment lawyers can review what happened and explain your rights. We would normally begin by filing your complaint with the California Civil Rights Department or the US Equal Employment Opportunity Council (EEOC). If these agencies accept your complaint, they will conduct an investigation. Possible outcomes include monetary damages, injunctive relief, money damages for emotional distress, civil penalties, and punitive damages,

If these agencies fail to properly resolve your complaint, our California employment lawyers may file a formal complaint in the appropriate state or federal courts. We can then aggressively pursue your claim by formally questioning everyone with information about your situation/claim, reviewing all relevant information such as your job performance records, and arguing your case before a judge and jury.

There are strict legal deadlines, which means it’s important to contact us as soon as you can.

We work with sexual abuse counselors, psychologists, and other professionals to help treat your emotional trauma. We also work with physicians and forensic experts to treat your physical injuries and preserve evidence of rape or sexual assaults.

Do you have a California first responder lawyer near me who handles sexual harassment claims?

McNicholas & McNicholas meets first responders at our office located at 10866 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1400, Los Angeles, 90024. Our sexual harassment lawyers also consult with first responders by phone and through online video discussions.

We understand how upset and angry you are. Our team will explain your rights and guide you through each phase of the claims process.

Speak with our accomplished California sexual harassment lawyers today

Our full team of attorneys is ready to protect your job, your employee rights, and your dignity now. We’ve obtained more than $150 million in employment claims for first responders throughout California. Call us or complete our contact form today to schedule a free consultation.

List of Agencies We are Suing or Have Sued

California-Map with Stars
  • Berkeley Fire/CoB (Non LEO)
  • Berkeley PD
  • Chula Vista PD
  • City of Richmond (Non LEO/Employment)
  • Contra Costa Sheriff (Non LEO/Employment)
  • Culver City PD (Non LEO)
  • El Monte PD
  • El Segundo PD
  • Fremont PD
  • Huntington Beach PD
  • LA Co Sheriff
  • LAFD
  • LAPD
  • LAWA
  • Palo Alto PD
  • Pomona PD
  • Redondo Beach PD
  • Riverside PD
  • San Diego PD
  • San Joaquin County Sheriff
  • Santa Barbara County Sheriff
  • Shasta County Sheriff
  • Ukiah PD
  • Walnut Creek PD
  • Willits PD