California Retaliation Lawyers

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$2 Billion
in Personal Injury Results

$150 Million
in Employment Law Results
for First Responders


Experienced representation when employers retaliate against first responders who assert their rights

First responders protect California’s cities and neighborhoods from crime, fires, and emergencies. They deserve to be treated with respect. At McNicholas & McNicholas, our employment lawyers hold employers accountable when first responders assert their rights to employee benefits, assert their employee rights, and support other workers who assert their rights. Our California retaliation lawyers have a strong record of success in helping first responders file claims when employers punish, intimidate, or adversely affect a first responder’s work conditions – just because they file a discrimination claim, seek workers’ compensation benefits, or ask for medical leave. We demand compensation for your financial damages and emotional distress.

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At McNicholas & McNicholas LLP, our lawyers have obtained more than $150 million for our first responder clients. Our larger retaliation recoveries include the following:


$11.65 Million
for an LAPD K9 Bomb Unit dog handler in retaliation case.


$11.56 Million
jury verdict for a former LAPD Bomb K9 trainer who faced discrimination and retaliation after he reported violations of the law.


$5.9 Million
for 10 Los Angeles Police Department motor officers who claimed they were retaliated against for refusing to follow a ticket quota.


$5.8 Million
against the City of Los Angeles in a retaliation case on behalf of an LAPD officer.


$5.6 Million
for a Bomb Tech discrimination case.


$3 Million
for six firefighters who suffered retaliation after blowing the whistle on LAFD’s dangerous and unlawful building inspections.


$3 Million
on behalf of six Whittier police officers who allegedly faced retaliation for refusing to participate in an illegal quota.


$2.5 Million
for four officers from the Internal Surveillance Unit, an elite sector of the LAPD’s Special Operations Division, in a retaliation case.

What types of first responders do you represent in California?

At McNicholas & McNicholas, we represent all types of first responders, including the following:

  • Law enforcement officers. These workers include police officers, sheriff’s officers, correction officers, and many other employees who protect California from crime and help when there are car accidents and other emergencies.
  • Firefighters. Firefighters protect us from structural damage and wildfires. Most recently, they’ve helped Los Angeles during the devastating wildfires of January 2025 by working to control and extinguish these fires while providing first aid and community assistance.
  • First responders. Our California retaliation lawyers represent EMTs, paramedics, court officers, park rangers, and many other types of emergency responders.

We represent employees. In many cases, such as when retaliation is based on a discrimination claim, we also represent independent contractors and volunteers.

What does employer retaliation mean?

Retaliation essentially means that your employer tried to punish or discipline you because of your assertion of any of the following rights – the right to:

  • File a discrimination claim;
  • File a sexual harassment claim;
  • File a claim for workers’ compensation benefits;
  • File a claim under the federal False Claims Act or the California False Claims Act – disclosing governmental fraud such as submitting improper bills to the government;
  • Request medical leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act or the California Family Rights Act;
  • Seek compensation under the terms of an executive compensation agreement;
  • Seek compensation under the terms of a collective bargaining agreement;
  • Testify or cooperate in the investigation of a complaint filed by another employee;
  • Assert any other legal right.

Employers may also retaliate against you if you miss work due to any injury or illness.

Unauthorized punishment or discipline includes the following:

  • Terminating your employment;
  • Denying you a deserved promotion;
  • Giving you less-than-desirable job assignments or transferring you to an undesirable location;
  • Suspending you;
  • Reducing your pay.

Workers’ compensation and retaliation

Police officers, firefighters, paramedics, and many other first responders risk gunshots, assaults, flames, smoke inhalation, falling objects, back injuries, and many other types of injuries and illnesses to help our California communities.

Many first responders will file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits due to their physical injuries or occupational illnesses at some point in their careers. Generally, your employer must hold your job open for you while you are recovering and receiving medical care. Your employer cannot, according to California’s worker’s compensation law, fire you or even threaten to fire you because you seek payment of your medical bills and compensation for a temporary disability.

Our California Los Angeles workers' compensation retaliation lawyers have the experience and working relationships with physicians to show that your worker’s claim is justified and to file retaliation claims if your employer does not preserve your ability to return to your old job or a different job with proper training.

Why can employers be held liable if they retaliate against first responders in California?

Many laws provide specific protections for employees. Your executive compensation or collective bargaining agreement may also provide protection against retaliation. You may also be entitled to protection from retaliation based on California or federal court cases.

Some of the laws that may provide retaliation protection include the following:

We file retaliation claims before the appropriate agencies and in the appropriate courts.

What damages can first responders receive when employers retaliate in California?

Our California retaliation lawyers demand compensation and other remedies, including the following:

  • Job reinstatement;
  • Compensation under a separate or combined discrimination claim, harassment claim, or any other type of employment claim;
  • Back pay (past financial damages) and front pay (future financial damages);
  • Emotional distress;
  • Loss of seniority;
  • Loss of benefits such as insurance coverage;
  • Legal fees;
  • Statutory damages;
  • Punitive damages; and
  • Other forms of compensation and injunctive relief.

For example, California Labor Code Section 132a provides that any employer who adversely affects the employment of a worker who seeks workers’ compensation benefits:

Is guilty of a misdemeanor and the employee’s compensation shall be increased by one-half, but in no event more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), together with costs and expenses not in excess of two hundred fifty dollars ($250).  Any such employee shall also be entitled to reinstatement and reimbursement for lost wages and work benefits caused by the acts of the employer.

Do you have a California first responder lawyer near me who handles retaliation claims?

McNicholas & McNicholas meets first responders at our office located at 10866 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1400, Los Angeles, 90024. Our California retaliation lawyers also review cases by phone and through online video consultation platforms such as Zoom and FaceTime.

We’re here to answer your questions, explain your rights, and fight to restore your financial security.

Get help from our accomplished California retaliation lawyers now

Our employment lawyers are respected across California for our dedication to our clients, our tenacity, especially when employers unfairly try to pressure you, and our strong record of verdicts and settlements. First responders protect us. We are proud to protect first responders. Call McNicholas & McNicholas or fill out our contact form today to schedule a free consultation. We are ready to help you today.

List of Agencies We are Suing or Have Sued

California-Map with Stars
  • Berkeley Fire/CoB (Non LEO)
  • Berkeley PD
  • Chula Vista PD
  • City of Richmond (Non LEO/Employment)
  • Contra Costa Sheriff (Non LEO/Employment)
  • Culver City PD (Non LEO)
  • El Monte PD
  • El Segundo PD
  • Fremont PD
  • Huntington Beach PD
  • LA Co Sheriff
  • LAFD
  • LAPD
  • LAWA
  • Palo Alto PD
  • Pomona PD
  • Redondo Beach PD
  • Riverside PD
  • San Diego PD
  • San Joaquin County Sheriff
  • Santa Barbara County Sheriff
  • Shasta County Sheriff
  • Ukiah PD
  • Walnut Creek PD
  • Willits PD