McNicholas & McNicholas Launches First Responders Instagram Page

Representing first responders for three decades years in labor and employment matters, McNicholas & McNicholas, LLP has launched a dedicated Instagram page @FirstRespondersLaw to serve as a resource for law enforcement, firefighters, EMS members and other first responders. The page will provide information on educational topics, legal news, lawsuits filed, client successes and more.

Partner Matthew McNicholas and our team of attorneys have secured millions on behalf of first responders throughout California in a range of labor and employment issues, including:


·       Employment Discrimination 

·       Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) 

·       Sexual Harassment 

·       Wage & Hour Claims (FLSA) 

·       Whistleblower Claims 

·       Workers’ Compensation Retaliation 

·       Wrongful Termination 

We invite you to follow our Instagram page. Content suggestions or questions? Email us at