Farouk G. Mansour


Farouk G. Mansour focuses on representing plaintiffs in personal injury, wrongful death, product liability, and employment law cases. At the heart of his philosophy lies a simple yet profound belief: People will only truly value your knowledge when they feel the depth of your compassion. Mr. Mansour’s dedication to his clients is unwavering, as he passionately works towards securing the outcomes they rightfully deserve.

He is an assertive litigator, talented writer, thoughtful oral advocate, and sharp legal strategist. Prior to joining McNicholas & McNicholas, LLP, Mr. Mansour spent nearly a decade representing Fortune 500 companies in civil litigation.

Mr. Mansour honed his leadership skills by working as head coach of the boy’s freshman basketball team at Fountain Valley High School from 2012 to 2017. The school is his alma mater.

Farouk G. Mansour
